Veterans Information

At Malloy Funeral Home, we strive to honor those who have served our country.

Below, you will find a list of services available to any active duty member who dies while serving, discharged veterans who served during war time and under conditions other than dishonorable, and in some cases, their spouse.

  • Federal burial and funeral expense allowances (Click here for further explanation of these benefits)*Subject to qualification
  • Pennsylvania County funeral and burial expense allowances (See some of the local county benefits listed below) *Subject to qualification
    • Philadelphia County: $75
    • Montgomery County: $100
    • Bucks County: $100
    • Delaware County: $75
    • Chester County: $100
  • Free death certificates (typically 10) from the state to be received in approximately 2 months
  • United States burial flag
  • Presidential Memorial Certificate
  • Military honors rendered at funeral services (Includes the sounding of "Taps" and presentation of the United States burial flag by a military honor guard) *Subject to availability

Burial Information

Burial for veterans, their spouses, and unmarried minor or permanently disabled, dependent children is available at no cost in most of the 131 VA National Cemeteries.

  • Many of the veterans families we service will select burial at Washington Crossing National Cemetery in Newtown, PA or Indiantown Gap National Cemetery in Annville, PA
  • Veterans and their spouse will be given, at no charge, a grave, for either traditional or cremation burial
  • A headstone, flat bronze or granite marker or bronze niche marker will also be provided, dependent upon the type of burial and location
  • Click here to see sample headstone and markers
  • Services are scheduled at half hour intervals, weekdays only, holidays excluded: 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., with no service at high noon
  • No graveside services are held
  • Services are held at a staging area
  • Military honors are rendered

Washington Crossing National Cemetery

Indiantown Gap National Cemetery

In order to apply for any available military benefits, we must have a copy of the discharge called a Form DD-214 (Click here to see a sample Form DD-214).  Older veterans may have a discharge that simply reads “Record of Military Service”.  We cannot apply for any benefits without one of these discharge forms.  If you do not have a copy of the discharge, we will try to obtain a copy on your behalf.  You can also click here to request a copy of the discharge.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding military honors, please feel free to contact Malloy Funeral Home via phone at 215-739-7900 or 215-634-4202 or via email at

Looking for more information on Veterans? The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has the answers you are looking for. From Headstones, Markers & Medallions, to Burial Allowance & even forms, you can find this resourceful information on their website at: