When Death Occurs

Whether a death is sudden or expected, the loss of a loved one is indescribable. When you are in a heightened emotional state, even the most basic decisions can seem staggering. This section seeks to guide you through the immediate hours following a passing.


Funeral Services

Rielly-Rakowski Funeral Home offers the following services at simple, affordable pricing.
  • Direct Cremation
  • Direct Cremation with Memorial Service
  • Viewing and Cremation
  • Traditional Viewing and Burial
  • Direct Burial
  • Death Certificates

Funeral Etiquette

Like everything in society, funeral etiquette has evolved over time. While common sense is your best guide, here are a few dos and don'ts of funeral etiquette.


Eulogies and Obituaries

Giving a meaningful, moving eulogy can be a nerve-wracking situation for even the most accomplished public speaker, but it need not be.  This guide will provide you with the information you need to strike the right balance of emotion and lightheartedness.


Make At-Need Arrangements Online

This tool should only be used once you have contacted the funeral home and have informed them of your immediate needs. This form can be used as an easy way to get your wishes and your information in one place, all from the comfort of your own home.